Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Guiding to Your Reading Homework

College readings assignments are not at all like high school readings assignments, and the higher the course level the more readings you find need to be completed before the next class. Let’s help you get to the TLDR of your reading assignments.

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Classes, Advice Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Classes, Advice Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

A Syllabus is a Guide to Success

Syllabus day is the day that most students might actually blow off. It’s not really mandatory. Colleges still have registration flexibility – so adding and dropping a course can still occur without penalty. But we would recommend that you attend. WHY? Because a syllabus is actually the most important document you will get from the professor on how to ace the course.

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Featured Campus, Indiana, Indianapolis Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Featured Campus, Indiana, Indianapolis Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Butler University

It was a bright, blue sky fall day. Leaves were just starting to turn color in Indianapolis, but most were still very green. Butler students were in their classes as the halls and footpaths were relatively quiet by the time Krista and Ayrielle came to campus. If the calendar didn’t say it was September, you would have sworn it was still the summer term. We walked past the football stadium where we saw someone throwing a frisbee and meandered towards one of the cooler spots on campus – Holcomb Gardens. We reflect at the lake two of Indiana’s most prominent families and their impact on the university.

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Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

University Coverage

BGF will now be focusing on the feature universities in a different light.

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Writing, Homework Tips, Helpful Tips Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Writing, Homework Tips, Helpful Tips Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Writing 101 – The BIG Paper

Wow…you looked that the syllabus and you see there is a large term paper. It’s the largest thing you have ever written what wasn’t a creative piece or the bullet journal. How the heck are you supposed to get this done?! Well unless you’re a bad ass project manager type or got inspiration from our <link> Syllabus </link> you are probably going to be in camp – I’m not going to worry about it until it gets closer to that time or camp – OMG I’m going to need a case of redbull because I have to cram some many pages in a few hours. BGF doesn’t want you in that camp. Let us rephrase, your presence in that camp stresses the fuck out of BGF Ayrielle.

So here is a blog Ayrielle has written in attempt to show her project management skills, and maybe make all of us a little more calm and assured that you got this.

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Writing, Helpful Tips, Citation, Research, Cite Sources, Homework Tips Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Writing, Helpful Tips, Citation, Research, Cite Sources, Homework Tips Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Writing 101 – Citation Management

MLA, APA, Chicago – these may be terms you are hearing your professors say and unless you had English 101 or went to a really nice high school, it’s just gibberish. These are all citation styles to help you write your papers and give credit where credit is due.

Generally speaking, they are fairly similar to each other and really differ with their in-text citations and how they order their list of all references in the back of your paper. You may be asked to purchase a desk reference on how to cite in these different styles, and really unless you are a graduate student who will be writing a ton of academic papers that will be seen by eyes outside of your professor’s then we really do not think it is necessary. We would recommend that you download a citation management software of some kind and we are giving you a list of some worth considering

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Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

How to Read Your Assignments

College readings assignments are not at all like high school readings assignments, and the higher the course level the more readings you find need to be completed before the next class. Let’s help you get to the TLDR of your reading assignments.

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Classes, Advice Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Classes, Advice Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

It’s in the syllabus

Syllabus day is the day that most students might actually blow off. It’s not really mandatory. Colleges still have registration flexibility – so adding and dropping a course can still occur without penalty. But we would recommend that you attend. WHY? Because a syllabus is actually the most important document you will get from the professor on how to ace the course.

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Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

New Year - New BGF

A little sneak peek for 2022:

- Free desktop download to keep your scholarly life in check

- New guidebooks to survive and thrive in college

- Inaugural BGF Book Club

- BGF Merchandise

- And the return to your typical community building and college campus content.

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Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Dealing with a Face-to-Face Campus

Making the transition from online learning to face-to-face learning has been a challenge for a lot of students. You might be one of them and it’s totally ok to still feel apprehension and anxiety this late into the fall term. We hope this blog can serve as some advice on how you can lower that anxiety so you can get through your first semester in person.

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Road Trip, Summer Break Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Road Trip, Summer Break Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Back from Summer Holiday

Against the advice of every social coach out there, Krista and Ayrielle took a small hiatus for the summer. We were both enrolled in summer classes that were sucking the life out of us, trying to navigate what the new normal would look like in our day jobs, and frankly…needed to get the fuck out of Indiana. So we went on a “mini” road trip to Virginia Beach.

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Day Trip, Campus Activity, Friendship Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Day Trip, Campus Activity, Friendship Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Day Travel Trip

The airline industry wants your business and dangling some pretty cheap flights on their website, and gas prices are starting to look like Dean's List GPAs, so it is tempting to think flights are the way to travel this summer. This might be true, but we are still particle to learn more about the space very close to us. Afterall, we will need to save our money on purchasing new dorm supplies soon.

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Girl's Night, Night Out, Date Night Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Girl's Night, Night Out, Date Night Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Need a little night out with your friends

Some of us are uplifted and rejuvenated by having a night out with the ladies. Some of us are more stubborn and prefer to listen to new music at home. Regardless, there is no reason why you can't have your cake and eat it too! You can have a night out with your friends but not go broke either -- after all, we are college students! Here are some tips on how to do just that.

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Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Spa Night, Relax Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends

Home Spa Night

A stressful night might need one of those Korean sheet faces, a bathtub full of bubbles, some scented candles, and a glass of champagne. Creating a spa vibe at home is easy and can have just as much of an effect on your state of mind as an actual night out.

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Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends Ayrielle and Krista BadGoodFriends


Signed by law by President Joe Biden, it is the first new federal holiday in four decades. June 19th is a celebration of the emancipation of African Americans who have been held in slavery in this country. Before it was signed by law, it was a day of celebration dating back to 1865 when new that the Civil War had landed at Galveston, Texas.

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